Friday, December 27, 2019

Clothing Stores E-Commerce Implementation Case Study

Clothing Stores e-commerce Introduction It is not easy developing an e-commerce business which will assess the determination and commitment of any person that has put up a business in the past. With 1000 dollars, the Clothing Store intends to build a domain and start on e-commerce. The e-commerce has only begun booming in the recent years, and has proved very successful. Among the businesses that started online is the eBay online supermarket. The most important part in starting an online business is learning the ethics involved. These include the methods used to get clients to your business and also the manner you secure their personal information. Having created a domain for the Clothing Store, which is not only an expensive process, but also time taking, selling it would be inappropriate for several reasons (Pelau, Bena, 2010). The domain name is usually tied to the business, and so selling it would be like selling out the company. The domain is also registered under the Clothing Store, and once sold, the buyer could misuse the domain, and the repercussions might fall back on the Clothing Store. The buyer should also be able to acquire his own domain, and so there would be suspicion as to why he wants to buy it. With the already set marketing for the Clothing Store, selling the company may mean losing client base. The buyer might only be interested in buying the name, and not the clients interest. This would be to my disadvantage because clients would build a negativeShow MoreRelatedBetter Implementation Of Online Tools For Dragon Star Gifts3991 Words   |  16 PagesBetter Implementation of Online Tools for Dragon Star Gifts to Improve Online Presence By Ashley Truax A Senior Project Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY Online Campus November 2014 ABSTRACT The goal of this project is to help Dragon Star improve its business by improving the website, online presence, and use of social media. The research conducted for this project will include factors ofRead MoreCase Study Zara Analysis Mis3171 Words   |  13 PagesDjaky Agbadou, Nathalie Garro In-Class Case Study: 1 Introduction: Background Information 1.1 Company overview The firm Zara is a Spanish clothing and accessories retailer based in Galicia, northern Spain. In 1975, founder Amancio Ortega opened the first store in La Coruna, Spain. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

How The Energy Drink Industry - 1328 Words

For any product to be successfully marketed the company must first understand the environment in which they will be marketing their product. Companies must market their products in a way that draws in consumers to purchase them. The energy drink industry was able to do this by making people feel that they need this product in order to make it through their busy schedules. They not only marketed the product to college students, young parents, busy professionals, but also to athletes. This paper will talk about how the energy drink industry was able to adapt to their environment and market their product throughout economic changes and lifestyles using core competencies. â€Å"Core competencies are the combination of pooled knowledge and technical capacities that allow a business to be competitive in the marketplace. Theoretically, a core competency should allow a company to expand into new end markets as well as provide a significant benefit to customers† (Core, 2016, p. 1). In the sales industry, products may be popular one day and lose their popularity the next. Because of this, phenomena and how things are forgotten and trends loss there appeal marketers must find new ways use their core competencies to make their products popular. It is important for these marketers to determine how to make energy drinks fashionable while competing with other vendors who are trying to distribute their own brand of energy drinks. History Red bull has been around since the early 1970Show MoreRelatedThe Energy Drink Industry Must Have A Swot Analysis934 Words   |  4 PagesThe energy drink industry must have a SWOT Analysis just like any other industry in order to assess the market before entering. The strengths in the energy drink industry are its â€Å"quick fix† for consumers; their products serve as a quick burst of energy for their target consumers of people on the go. Other strengths include the high brand awareness and relative attractiveness in the industry. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Recruitment and Selection Process free essay sample

Executive Summary In todays competitive world every company tries to get best possible candidates for the competitive advantage so, recruitment and selection of right candidates is important for all companies. It is a major function of the human resource department. For IT companies recruitment and selection is an integral part as attrition in IT companies is very high. Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for Jobs in the organization. The basic purpose of recruitments is to create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best andidates for the organization, by attracting more and more employees to apply in the organization. The project named Recruitment Life Cycle was carried out at Persistent Systems Ltd. There are two types of recruitment at Persistent, campus and lateral recruitment, campus recruitment is conducted once in a year at the respective colleges and lateral recruitments are conducted as per the requirements. We will write a custom essay sample on Recruitment and Selection Process or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For lateral recruitment recruiter needs to understand the Job description to find the right candidates for the job then recruiter needs to source the candidates from different Job portals like Monster, Naukri etc. After sourcing, candidates are screened by different interviewers at different levels. If candidate clears all the round of interviews then an offer is made to employee depending upon the grades specified by the interviewer. The recruiter also had to meet targets, i. e. he had to see to it that a certain number of candidates sourced are Joining the organization. The conclusions that can be drawn from the project are the recruiter must understand the importance of that particular Job posting to find the best fit candidates. Also the automation in recruitments is the need of an hour. The Option of employee reference must be used properly to attract the right candidates. Thus, it was a very dynamic and challenging Job that demanded tremendous efforts, persistence, professional ism, and continuous efforts on the part of the recruiter. . Overview of IT Industry The Indian information technology (IT) industry has played a major role in placing India on the international map. The industry is mainly governed by IT software and facilities for instance System Integration, Software experiments, Custom Application to NASSCOMs findings Indian IT-BPO industry expanded by 12% during the Fiscal ear 2009 and attained aggregate returns of IJS$ 71. 6 billion. Out of the derived revenue IJS$ 59. 6 billion was solely earned by the software and services division. Moreover, the industry witnessed an increase of around IJS$ 7 million in FY 2008-09 i. e. USS 47. 3 billion against USS 40. 9 billion accrued e, 2008-09 | IT Outsourcing in India As per NASSCOM, IT exports in business process outsourcing (BPO) services attained revenues of IJS$ 48 billion in FY 2008-09 and accounted for more than 77% of the entire software and services income. Over the years India has been the most avorable outsourcing hub for firm on a lookout to offshore their IT operations. The factors behind India being a preferred destination are its reasonably priced labor, favorable business ambiance and availability of expert workforce. Considering its escalating growth, IBM has plans to increase its business process outsourcing (BPO) functions in India besides employing 5,000 workforces to assist its growth. In the next few years, the industry is all set to witness some multi-million dollar agreements namely: * A 5 year agreement between HCL Technologies and News Corp for administering its information centers and IT services in I-JK. As per the industry analysts, the pact is estimated to be in the range of IJS$ 200-US$ 250 million * IJS$ 50 million agreement between HCL Technologies and Meggitt, UK-based security apparatus manufacturer, for offering engineering facilities. * Global giant Wal-Mart has short listed there Indian IT dealers namely Cognizant Technology Solutions, UST Global and Infosys Technologies for a contract worth IJS$ 600 million Indias domestic IT Market Indias domestic IT Market over the years has become one of the major driving forces of the industry. The domestic IT infrastructure is developing contexts of technology nd intensity of penetration. In the FY 2008-09, the domestic IT sector attained revenues worth IJS$ 24. 3 billion as compared to IJS$ 23. 1 billion in FY 2007-08, registering a growth of 5. 4%. Moreover, the increasing demand for IT services and goods by India Inc has strengthened the expansion of the domestic market with agreements worth rising up extraordinarily to IJS$ 100 million. By the FY 2012, the domestic sector is estimated to expand to IJS$ 1. 7 billion against the existing from US$ 1 billion.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The European Tour Operators Case Essay Sample free essay sample

The first portion of the Portfolio Assignment will include an analysis of the external environment of two big travel companies. Thomas Cook and TUI. The three theoretical accounts that will be included and discussed in the first portion of the assignment are PESTEL. Porter’s Five Forces and Industry Life Cycle. These three theoretical accounts should be done for both of the companies. For this assignment I should besides briefly discourse the overall attraction of the industries and place the chances and menaces. Background information of Thomas Cook Harmonizing to Thomas Cook’s taking web site ( ThomasCook. com ) . Thomas Cook is the 2nd largest leisure travel group in the UK with around 19. 000 employees and has a web of more than 800 high street shops and some of the world’s favourite travel trade names including Airtours. Cresta. CruiseThomasCook. Direct Holidays. Elegant Resorts. Essential Travel. flythomascook. com. Gold Medal. hotels4u. com. Neilson. Netflights. com. Pure Luxury. Sunworld Holidays Ireland. Swiss Travel Service. The Big Snow Festival. Thomas Cook. Thomas Cook Signature. Thomas Cook Tours etc. The Company’s air hose. Thomas Cook Airlines. operates a fleet of 44 aircraft and flies from legion regional airdromes to finishs worldwide. Background Information of TUI Harmonizing to TUI’s functionary web site ( TuiTravelPlc. com ) TUI Travel PLC is a FTSE 100 leisure Travel Company listed on the London Stock Exchange. TUI Travel is one of the world’s taking leisure travel companies. with over 200 sure trade names in 180 states and more than 30 million clients. TUI is a planetary concern and at the minute employs about 54. 000 people and operates in 31 cardinal beginning markets worldwide. The TUI concern is grouped into four sectors. dwelling of many of the market-leading travel trade names worldwide – Mainstream. Accommodation A ; Destinations and Specialist A ; Activity. 1a. PESTEL Analysis for Thomas Cook and TUI Political FactorsPolitical influence can impact about every industry because of the immense influence upon the ordinance of administrations which are imposed and monitored by the authorities. These include legal affairs or governments authorities ordinances under which administrations should run. As Thomas Cook and TUI are both UK based concerns. and political environment of UK is one of a most attractive and stable comparison to the other countries of universe. affairs such as war against panic and expansion of EU have had a effect on the political stableness of the governments. Great Britain governments are developing activities to do certain air power reflects its environmental effects in the effects of increasing consciousness of the environmental effects. Proposals are lifting for a gross sweetening on VAT and air power fuel on air tickets. Economic Factors Economic factors can besides impact concerns and industries. One of the most considerable effects of economic factor is buying power of possible clients. Box Holiday Companies extremely rely on buying power of its clients every bit good as the modern-day economic factors of UK that affect the Tourism industry’s offerings. However there are assorted elements which are impacting touristry industry of UK such as Great Britain economic system is easing from gradual low rising prices rate as compared to the other states in extra Great Britain unemployment is low which provide a immense figure of clients to Thomas Cook and TUI. Exchange Rates play a important function in international touristry and trade. Gallego et Al. ( 2007 ) statistically discusses the impact of exchange rate governments on touristry and concludes that more fastness in the exchange rate agreements generates a positive impact on touristry. Sing the scenario of Euro is diminishing the spread with Pound Sterling ma y impact the outward touristry from UK to other European Union Nations and this could decidedly impact the touristry agents. Social Factors There is an increasing societal tendency of utilizing cyberspace for shopping intent in Great Britain. among all ages. Harmonizing to assorted beginnings most of the UK population prefer passing their weekend and eventides by watching Television or hired pictures or listen to radio and music. instead than doing tour or avail bundle vacation offers. For their societal life. most persons consider entertaining friends and household at place instead than traveling out. A great tendency has been seen in Great Britain population sing wellness and diet issues in the modern-day old ages. This tendency contributes for the demand of more fittingness nines and organic nutrient for the persons from Great Britain alters in the construction of the population on history of the immigrants from Africa. Asia and Europe will besides impact the demand and supply of goods within the Great Britain economic system. One of a modern-day concern in society is security and safety while going is establishing th e Great Britain occupants. Lifestyle alters have besides been impacting the Great Britain travel market for a tonss of old ages. Postponing the commence of the household every bit good as raising in the figure of gaining twosomes construction are the chief tendencies lending the changing life manner. Changing manners that are unlike to calculate besides have a effect on the market. Technological FactorsThe fast increasing of the engineering use is impacting the concerns in Great Britain and full over the Earth. Customers trusting on cyberspace and on-line gross revenues are increasing twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours. Statistics show a mere 70 % of UK families had entree to internet in 2009 ( Office for NationalStatistics. 2009 ) and is increasing compared to old old ages. Alters in the engineering have changed the agency of administrations public presentation and organizational operations that are internet booking for tickets and vacations. including Thomas Cook and TUI. Furthermore. speedy changing in the technological development set uping a demand to respond fast for unlike concerns for the intent they want to keep the competitory environment by supplying the same advanced services. which their rivals are offering. Environmental Factors Air flight rationing is proposed by UK authorities as a method to cut down pollution ( Drury. 2009 ) . Government of UK is runing for greener vacation locations ( Directgov. 2009 ) . Increased emanation of CO2 is a major menace of climatic conditions in Earth and air power is a major subscriber of CO2. The authorities study goes on to depict the CO2 emanation in rail travel is merely one-third of air travel. Even air flight companies are including C footmark charges in their tickets. Harmonizing to ThomasCook. com. Thomas Cook focuses their attempts on increasing efficiency. more effectual environmental direction and the decrease of emanations from our aircraft. As reported in their Operating Review. Thomas Cook air hoses has achieved some of the highest burden factors in the industry significance that each aircraft departs with a high tenancy. On a per rider footing. Thomas Cook air hoses are already comparatively efficient. However. over the past twelvemonth. a figure of environmental and fuel salvaging enterprises have been implemented across our Group airlines. Other environmental enterprises include eco-labels being placed on every United kingdom aircraft by the embarkation doors to demo riders the impact of their flight in emanations and noise. every bit good as on-board recycling. Besides Thomas Cook UK Airlines launched a national on board recycling strategy in January 2009 where the cabin crew have to roll up any plastics. aluminum. paper and card in a separate trash bag which is so sent for recycling on landing. Both Thomas Cook and TUI are working in partnership with the Carbon Trust to place a assortment of energy efficiency undertakings and working towards going low C concerns. Legal Factors Governments recommend a broad scope of ordinances on Aviation Safety and Regulations ( Department of Travel. 2009 ) . This covers domestic. environmental. wellness and consumer issues and air power licenses. and all these come under legal factor. In recent old ages in the UK there have been many important legal alterations that have affected firms’ behavior. including Thomas Cook and TUI. The debut of age favoritism and disablement favoritism statute law. an addition in the minimal pay and greater demands for houses to recycle are illustrations of comparatively recent Torahs that affect an organisation’s actions. 1b. Porter’s 5 Forces of Thomas Cook and TUICompetitive CompetitionThere is a moderate competitory competition in the industry. High fixed cost mostly favours the officeholders. Harmonizing to Scribd. com there is a important 8 % difference in market portion between the top two market leaders ( TUI 21 % and Thomas Cook 13 % ) . These immense fluctuations of market portions of officeholders lessen the competition in the industry. Suppliers Power Scribd. com besides states that providers have high dialogue powers against the companies holding a low portion in the market. However in a market where the top 4 market leaders covering more than 50 % of market and possessing a menace of backward integrating. there will be a power balance. This implies merely a moderate bargaining power for the providers. Buyers Power There are assorted new and international bundle vacation companies that are runing in UK which are considerable rivals for Thomas Cook and TUI. therefore. the power of purchasers is increasing in a really significant mode. There is a low shift cost to purchasers with the outgrowth of cyberspace and on-line gross revenues. But the low distinction of merchandises and lesser figure of replacements bounds the bargaining power of purchasers to low ( Scribd. com ) . Menace of Substitutes Thomas Cook is confronting a serious menace of replacement. There are some other industries which can be considered as Thomas Cook’s replacement such as Hotel and going companies’ joint ventures besides a replacements menace for Thomas Cook. In other words there is a close competition of Thomas Cook with another industry on history of their several merchandises are good replacements. There is a menace of competition because the monetary values of replacements industry or services and agencies are considerable low monetary value. However there are assorted purchasers in the market who prefer individual window service therefore they use Thomas Cook or TUI. In extra a competitory scheme that differentiates TUI’s and Thomas Cook’s bundle vacation from replacement offers is cost benefit with better. effectual. efficient and friendly service with combine services in through a individual window characteristic supplying competitory advantage in some extent. Anothe r find out of the competitory force is whether it is difficult or costly for clients switching to replace. e. g. the debut of new engineering. the extensively employ of videoconferencing system. electronic mail and camera cuts down the cost of making concern in the modern-day concern sphere. Menace of Entrants Harmonizing to Scribd. com high Capital Requirement creates a high barrier of entry for fledglings. And more than 70 % of market portion is controlled by the top 10 leaders and this reduces the monetary value revenge and keeps the economic systems of scale high. Brand Recognition besides acts as a barrier to new entrants. Hence. the menace of new entrants is low. 1c. The Industry Life Cycle Harmonizing to the Navhind Times the Industry Life Cycle is an of import parametric quantity in finding the profitableness of companies in a given industry. There are four different phases of the rhythm. which are introduction phase. growing phase. adulthood phase and diminution phase. Thomas Cook and TUI are both in the adulthood phase. This is when the merchandise or service has been standardized. is widely available on the market and its distribution is good established. In the adulthood phase competition progressively takes topographic point over cost and a turning portion of the production takes topographic point in low cost locations. This is the phase where the industry will get down to see slowed growing with the rate of gross revenues growing frequently decelerating to the rate of overall economic growing. TUI Asia states that TUI operates chiefly in markets at a mature phase of development and sees its future growing coming mostly from emerging markets. which is why it is n ow concentrating on Asia and Russia. For investors. adulthood of an industry can intend comparatively stable stock investings with the possibility of income through dividends. Harmonizing to Thomas Cook’s functionary web site. Thomas Cook and Son ( company found by Thomas Cook in 1841 ) in the early 1950s began to advance ‘foreign holidays’ ( peculiarly Italy. Spain and Switzerland ) by demoing information movies at town halls throughout Britain. However they did non sell inexpensive bundle vacations. which included conveyance and adjustment. a determination dearly-won to the company. As a consequence the company went into diminution. which was later rescued by a pool of Trust House Forte. Midland Bank and the Automobile Association that bought the company from the British Government on 26 May 1972.